Tame a Wild Bride, a Western Romance Page 9
He chuckled. Rosie did have a good sense of humor. No wonder the men always smiled whenever she went by.
They went directly to Mary’s when they got to town and found her in the kitchen. She did indeed have the bridal suite available. Not too many people wanted to pay the price for it and certainly no one actually boarding with her would pay. It cost five dollars per night to rent. That was all some people made in a month. They sure weren’t going to spend it on a room for one night. But for Tom the price could have been double and it still wouldn’t have been too much. Not to make Rosie happy.
“Can we get a cold supper brought up to the room?”
“Ah. I understand. You don’t intend on coming out this evening at all. You sly dog,” smiled Mary. “You finally giving that sweet girl a honeymoon?”
He was sure he blushed, but Mary didn’t seem to notice. “Sure. I’ve got some leftover chicken and biscuits, a little cheese and some sliced apples that should do nicely. Would you like a bottle of champagne? I have a couple for special occasions. They’re three dollars a bottle.”
“You bet. Nothing’s too good. I want to make this special for her.”
“Why Tom, is it possible that you’ve fallen in love with your wife?” Mary said with a wink.
He sobered for a moment. Had he? No, it wasn’t possible. Not love. He just wanted to make things up to Rosie that was all. “I want to make her happy. I’ve put her through a lot since we got married. I need to make it up to her.”
“Take your bag up to the room and I’ll see to everything else. Do you have something to do for a little while?”
“Yeah, Rosie wants to go to Sadie’s and check on an order she made. Some books for the kids I think. Then we’ll be back here and I intend to keep her “entertained” until morning. Tomorrow we might go on a picnic. What do you think? Can you fix us up with food.”
“Of course. It’ll probably be the same thing you’re having tonight. Chicken and biscuits do travel best.”
Tom went out to the foyer where he’d left Rosie. She was looking at all the pictures Mary had hanging. There were some photographs but mostly pen and ink drawings of what she assumed were areas around Creede. Mountains, meadows with flowers, a rolling river.
“Did Mary do these drawings?”
“I don’t know.”
“I’ll have to ask her. They’re beautiful. I haven’t even gotten my drawing materials out of the drawer where I put them.”
“You draw?”
“I dabble. You can’t really call what I do art but I enjoy it. I hadn’t thought about it before but maybe the kids would like to try it.”
“Ben might. I don’t know. Suzie will love it.” Guilt washed over him. She hadn’t had time to do any drawing or reading or anything else she might have enjoyed. He’d been working her to the bone. No more he vowed. Agatha was there and if he needed to hire another girl to help out, he would. “You wait here while I take the bag up to the room. I’ll be right back.”
When he came back down, Tom took Rosie’s arm and they walked down to the mercantile.
“Mrs. Harris, there you are,” said Sadie as soon as they entered. “Good to see you, too, Tom. I got in those books you ordered.”
“Now Sadie, you know you’re supposed to call me Rosie. Did you get that other item we discussed?”
Almost afraid to look, she glanced over at Tom, he cocked an eyebrow in question. She shook her head and felt the heat rise and knew she was living up to her name now.
“Sure did,” said Sadie. “Come on back and see it.”
“I’ll be right back,” she said as she followed Sadie to the back room of the store.
“Keep an eye on the front here, would you, Tom? Call me if you need anything,” said Sadie.
“I’ll be fine. You ladies go on.”
The back room of Sadie’s store was like a wonderland for women. This was where she kept her ready-mades. Dresses, chemises, nightgowns, corsets, blouses and skirts. Everything the well dressed rancher’s wife might need.
She opened up a large cedar closet.
“This is where I keep my ‘special’ items like the one you’re interested in. Don’t get much call for something like this.”
Sadie pulled the sheerest silk negligee and robe out of the closet. The sheer confection was almost transparent. Rosie had never seen anything like it. It was beautiful white silk with lace edging. She held it up to herself and looked in the mirror.
“I don’t know why someone as pretty as you would need something like this.”
“To make him absolutely crazy, that’s why.” She grinned at Sadie. “Think this will work?”
“Absolutely,” laughed Sadie.
This would do it. There was no way Tom could resist her. Just in case he changed his mind.
“Wrap it up. I’ll take it.”
Sadie smiled. “I can tell having you living here is going to make my life much more interesting.”
“Now don’t be expecting this kind of order very often. Maybe once a year. By the way do you know anyone who sews for hire around here? I need to get some clothes made for the kids and Tom and start getting holiday presents going. I don’t sew except maybe to replace a stray button now and again. Even then it’s an iffy proposition”
“But Rosie, it’s only May. You want to start getting Christmas presents now?”
“Of course. You can never start your Christmas shopping too early. Especially with having to get most of it shipped in or made. That’s another reason I want to find a seamstress. Suzie and Ben are growing out of just about everything.”
“We’ve got some readymade clothes for children that might get you through until you find your seamstress. I think I heard that Maggie Kelly is taking in sewing. Her husband’s a miner. They live up by the mine at Bachelor.”
“Bachelor? That’s an odd name for a town.”
“Not a town, really. Just a settlement. Lots of miners, a couple of saloons and that’s about it. No store or church yet. They do have a whorehouse, though.” Sadie said with distain.
“Oh, those poor women. Forced to make a living that way. How awful for them,” said Rosie.
“I never thought of it that way. I always assumed they chose the life.”
“I suppose some do, but I think that hardships of one kind or another lead those women to those straights. There but for the grace of God go I.”
They walked back out to the front of the store. Tom was talking to Sam Kent, the bank president. Rosie left her purchases with Sadie to go and talk to them.
“Hello, Mr. Kent. How are you this fine day?”
“Very good, Mrs. Harris and you?”
“I’m doing very well and do call me Rosie.”
Sam smiled at her. “Only if you’ll call me Sam. I have a little confession to make.” He leaned in and whispered so only the three of them could hear. “I’m terrible with names. I didn’t remember your name is Rosie. But I’ll do better. I promise I’ll know it the next time we meet.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” She looked over at Tom, “Tomorrow, I want to go up to Bachelor, can you take me?”
“Of course. It’s pretty up that way. I wanted to take you on a picnic tomorrow any way.”
“Are you two in town for a couple of days? Finally, getting a little honeymoon?” asked Sam.
Rosie blushed.
Tom answered. “We are. As much of one as you can get in two days.” He leaned in and whispered to Sam, “and nights.”
Sam laughed. “I’m delighted for you. Have a great time while you’re here. Well, I best be getting back to the bank. Just out for a little walk when I saw you walk in here and thought I’d say hello.”
“Have a good day, Mr. Kent, I mean Sam.”
“Oh, I will, …Rosie. You, too.”
Sam walked out of the store, whistling.
Sam Kent walked quickly past the bank and to the little house where he lived. He went inside, dir
ectly to his sister’s bedroom.
“Get up,” he shouted at her, opening the curtains. “We have our chance now. Get the hell out of bed you stupid drunken bitch.” His anger at her hung-over state almost got the better of him.
“What the hell? Why are you yelling?”
“Because we have the perfect opportunity to get that boy, maybe the girl too and you’re too wasted to take advantage of it.”
She shook her head. “I’m not. Tell me.” Putting her feet over the side of the bed she sat up and then went behind the screen and used the chamber pot. She scratched her backside, yawned and stretched as she came from behind the screen.
“Tom and his new bride are here, in town, for the next two nights. Tomorrow they’re going up to Bachelor for a picnic. We, meaning you, can snatch the children while they are gone.”
“And how pray tell am I going to do that?”
“Look, no one knows you’re my sister. And you don’t look like the mousy little woman that left here with Frank two years ago. But I bet you can become that mousy woman again if you just wash your face. Put your hair under up tight under your hat and the color isn’t so noticeable. Right now it’s dirty from the train trip and looks browner anyway.”
“So you want me to just ride up and take the kids out from under the nose of the help at the ranch?”
“Yes. Ben will still recognize you. He’s missed you, though for the life of me I don’t know why. He’ll be more than willing to go with you. Leave the girl. You’re going to be on a horse. Only room for two. You do still remember how to ride don’t you?”
“Of course.” She went behind the screen again and took off her nightrail. “Do you still have my trunk with my old clothes in it?”
“In the attic.”
“Get it. I’m going to need my riding gear.”
“You can’t wear your old garb anymore. You’ve gotten fat. I’ll get some of my clothes. If they’re a little baggy all the better.”
He left to get her the clothes. She came out from behind the screen wearing her chemise and bloomers. No corset today, not if she’s to hide her assets. Long past the modest stage of life, she sat on the bed and waited for Sam to return.
Ten minutes later, he was back. He’d brought her old boots, some wool pants, a chambray shirt, wool jacket and hat. She dressed and looked at herself in the mirror.
“Not bad,” she said to her reflection.
Sam sat on the bed and watched her dress. It was perfect, she could pass for a boy in the outfit. No one would think twice about a youngster riding out of town.
“I’ll saddle one of my horses for you. I don’t ride it much so the horse won’t be recognized as belonging to me. Besides you’ll be long gone before anyone sees that horse.”
She put on her hat, cinching it under her chin. “Alright, I’m ready. Let’s go. Where to you want me to take the kid?”
“There’s that old abandoned miner’s shack north of the ranch. You remember. You can hide out there until I come for you. I’ve written a ransom note which you’ll leave at the ranch in a place someone will find it but you won’t get seen leaving it.”
Carolyn nodded.
“And Sarah. Don’t screw this up?”
“I won’t. You just do your job and you’ll have twenty five hundred dollars to do with as you please. And don’t call me Sarah. I’m Carolyn. Sarah’s dead.”
Tom carried all of the purchases except the “special” one back to Mary’s. Rosie wouldn’t let him carry that one and made Sadie wrap it in plain brown butcher paper in the back of the store so he wouldn’t see.
When they got to the room, Tom opened the door to their suite and ushered her in. The room was lovely and very well appointed. It had a tall boy dresser, chest of drawers, small table set for two with a platter of food on it. A beautiful cheval mirror stood on one wall with a Chinese changing screen next to it in the corner. And, of course, a bed. A brass bed with ornate scrolled head and foot boards.
The bathroom was immense. Rosie guessed they’d converted a small bedroom to the bathroom. It had a huge, claw footed bathtub that looked like it could easily accommodate two people. She couldn’t imagine how they’d gotten it through the door. Although it’s size did give her ideas.
Her body ached but she wasn’t sure why. All she knew was she wanted to make love to Tom badly. The little surprise she had for him should help her seduce him. He was more open to making love since he’d given her the massage. Her face heated at the memory and she took a deep breath to squelch the feelings that it brought with it.
When Tom went down to see Mary, Rosie hurried to freshen up. She took her hair down, ran her fingers through it. loosening the curls. Tom liked her hair down. She’d seen it in his eyes. Tonight she was going to have it spread out on her pillow while he made love to her. Just like in those romance novels one of the maids back home loved to read. If making love was anything like what he did after the massage, she was going to like it very much.
She had a vague idea of what to expect. Her mother died before she could give Rosie the ‘wedding night’ talk. And it wasn’t something her brother ever would have considered talking to her about. Just the thought of it mortified her.
She wasn’t a farm girl but had seen the neighbors’ dogs once. They were locked together and the bitch didn’t seem to be enjoying it. Rosie knew people weren’t like that but still there had to be some similarities.
Now was the time for seduction and she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Twenty-six years old and as naïve as a girl just out of the schoolroom! Well not anymore. She was going to make love with her husband tonight. Whatever it took. Tom would be back shortly so, she went behind the changing screen, removed her clothes and put on the negligee.
By the time Tom came back she was nervous as hell. Sure she was making a big mistake, she almost took off the negligee and put back on her clothes, but she decided it was better than waiting in her chemise and bloomers or her regular nightgown. Both of which she decided weren’t sexy at all since Tom had seen her in both and seemed decidedly unaffected.
There was a knock on the door. Rosie opened it but stood behind it so he couldn’t see her and neither could anyone else who happened to be passing in the hall. She wasn’t about to parade about in the silky attire she now wore for all the world to see.
Tom carried a bucket with a bottle and ice in one hand and two glasses in the other. He set them on the table and turned around to say something. At least she thought he was going to say something. His mouth was open but nothing came out. Then he smiled and she knew everything would be all right.
“You look beautiful.”
She ducked her head, thoroughly embarrassed. “Thank you.”
He walked over to her and lifted her chin until she looked him in the eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”
Slipping his fingers beneath the lapels he slid the robe down her arms and into a puddle on the floor. Then he took her in his arms and kissed her. His tongue ran along the seam to her lips and she opened for him. He explored her, tasted her and she him. He tasted of apple, clean and crisp. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on for the ride.
Tom backed her up until she ran into the bed. Then he kept going lowering them onto the bed. He broke the kiss only to start again on her neck and the sensitive area behind her ear. Tickling the outside of her ear, his tongue sent shivers through her body.
“Tom,” she moaned his name. He kissed his way down to her collar bone and the little hollow at the base of her neck. He rained kisses on her until he reached her breast and then he licked the nipple through the silk and blew on the damp cloth. Her nipple beaded to a hard point and he took it into his mouth and suckled her through the silk of her gown.
Rosie about came off the bed. The sensations shot like an arrow straight to her core. Grasping his head she pulled him down to her. Closer, she needed more. But he would have
none of it. He moved to the other nipple and did the same thing while he rolled the first one between his fingers and gave it a little pinch. Sensations so foreign to her and yet recognized by her body, rocketed through her. Pleasure tinged lighting bolts shot from her nipples to her woman’s center.
Suddenly he pulled her to her feet. “As beautiful as you look in this, I want you naked and if you don’t take it off now, I’ll rip it off you.” The lovely gown fell to a pool on the floor and she stood before him fully exposed.
“Now you. I need you,” she said. “Need to feel your skin next to mine.”
She reached for the buttons on his shirt at the same time he went for the ones on his pants. Soon he was nude and she was back in his arms giving him the same light butterfly kisses down his neck as he’d given her.
“Slow down, Sweetheart. We have all night.” He took her face in his hands and ran his thumbs along her jaw. “And all day and night tomorrow, if we want. Come with me.”
He led the way to the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the tub, adjusting it until it was the perfect temperature.
“Now where were we? Ah, yes, I remember.” He kissed her. Held her with only his lips while his hands did wonderful things to her body. He feathered his fingers down her arms, across her chest until he came to her breasts, where his hands stopped their travel and cupped her full curves.
“God, you’re amazing.”
Her head fell back and her heart drummed in her chest, she’d never felt anything so wonderful. Then his hands were gone and she was bereft, needed them back. Her head snapped up and she looked at him. He’d turned to adjust the water and put bath salts in. The water was about half way up the side of the tub and he turned it off.
“I want you to get into the tub first, I’m going to get in behind you.”
Rosie wasn’t sure what he had in mind but she trusted him. Things were progressing so nicely, Tom was making love to her, slowly and in a way she’d never imagined. What in the world could they do in a bathtub? She got in as he asked and sat near the middle of the tub so he could get behind her.
He stepped in, slid down and then pulled her back against him. His rock hard length pressed against her back as she settled.